Sunday, August 06, 2006

I've fallen and I can't get up....

So, it is a quiet Sunday up here in redflannel country. We had some thunderstorms last night, no damage, just a little hail. That was probably the biggest event up here in the past week. It seems that if I localize this blog and its commentary to this area I will be sadly lacking material. So, the only real solution will be to expand my horizons and hopefully move on to something better.

I spent twelve years as a Unix systems administrator, then moved into management. When the great tech wreck of 2001 happened I was caught in the vacuum of the job market and just never fully recovered. You see, I gave up some of my technical skills to move into management. I wasn't able to stay current with things, but I had people for doing that. Now what I get when I apply for system jobs is the "You aren't current, we can't hire you." statement.

Nobody wants to hire a manager from outside of their company, so that doesn't work either.

So, here I am making windows for roughly 15% of what I once made, using absolutely none of the skills or skillsets that I have. The company has no need for someone with technical skills, they already have their own people for that. People are chosen for jobs before they are even posted, so no point in applying anymore. "But, don't get discouraged."

Everyone up at work knows that I know how to fix terminals, printers, and generally just straighten out systems. I have now officially adopted the position that I will no longer do that because I am not being paid to do it. They have an IT staff that does it, I am just a production line worker.

As time passes here I am growing more and more disabused with the area. I need to find some situation, anywhere, that pays somewhere in the neighborhood of $30,000 per year (I'm almost making that now.) and I'm open to anyone's suggestions.

Enough of the lamentation.... I'll probably be better tomorrow.


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