Friday, August 18, 2006

Off to Wal-Mart

Well, for most folks a trip to Wal-Mart isn't a real event. Since the nearest Wal-Mart is 90 miles away from here, it takes a bit of planning and some list making to go. I know that some people are not that fond of Wal-Mart, and they feel that it destroys local businesses. Well, if the local businesses were reasonable in their pricing, I wouldn't probably go either. My present reduced circumstances dictate that I try to spend my money as wisely as possible.

I can buy Hamburger Helper at Wal-Mart for $1.53/bx or locally for $3.88/bx.
I can buy Campbells Soup at Wal-Mart for $0.55/can or locally for $1.59/can.
I can buy an 8-pack of paper towels at Wal-Mart for $4.50 or locally for $8.00.

The list goes on.... In just those items I save enough to pay gas for the round trip, so I'm going. I'll crank up the Sirius Satellite radio and just zip down there. Did I mention that here in Red Flannel country we have two radio stations? One is an FM cryin in your beer redneck country station (yuck) and the other is an AM station that fades in and out and plays classic rock from the 70s. Sirius is awesome!


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